History of the Lakeland Care Family Care Program

You Can Depend on Our Experience.

In 2000, Fond du Lac County stepped up to open one of the first Family Care programs in Wisconsin. Later, we formed the Lakeland Care District and started expanding to other nearby counties including Brown, Calumet, Door, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Marinette, Menominee, Oconto, Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca, and Winnebago. We’ve been providing innovative supports to meet your needs. With 20 years of experience offering the Family Care Program, we’ve shown that we’re compassionate and dependable.

In 2017, Lakeland Care District converted from a public long-term care district to a private non-profit organization and changed our name to Lakeland Care, Inc. Also in 2017, Lakeland Care expanded to nine additional counties – Florence, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Oneida, Portage, Vilas, and Wood.

In 2018, Lakeland Care began a partnership with the Menominee Tribe and the Oneida Nation to support the Tribes’ transition from a long-term care support system operated under federal waiver authority, to supports and services under Wisconsin’s Family Care program.

We Are Local.

From our care teams and staff to our service providers, our board and our advisors – we work, live and volunteer right here in the communities and the rural areas we serve.  We partner together with you to support decisions that affect your life and find solutions to your needs. You’ll see us in the grocery store, at school, in the library and at community events. We live and breathe “local.”

You Can Hold Us Accountable.

We are a non-profit organization and are held to the highest standards by the dedicated volunteers who serve on our board of directors and our stakeholder committee. We always welcome your input. You can provide feedback via our Contact Us form.

Our members and their families give us feedback – either directly or through anonymous satisfaction surveys. We’re also accountable to independent agencies that evaluate the quality of our organization, and we must pass the state’s rigorous certification process to offer Family Care. And, we’re our own toughest reviewers. We’re always conducting internal quality studies, and we continue to train our staff so we can keep improving and building on our experience.

You Can Choose From a Wide Provider Network.

We’ve always worked with a wide array of local providers here in Northeastern Wisconsin, so members have choice and variety for the services they need. Many providers have been in our network right from the start in 2000 and continue to grow with Lakeland Care. Our providers tell us they like a true collaboration with our care teams, all coming together to serve Lakeland Care members.

You Can Rely on Our Respect and Compassion.

We’ve earned the trust of our members and families. Over the years, we have been there when our members needed us. Overwhelmingly, they tell us through our anonymous surveys that they are satisfied with the work their care team is doing for them, and that their team listens to their concerns. Our members talk about our teams as family, professionals, advisors, partners, even angels – or often, they simply say, “I don’t know what I would do without them!”